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Inter Begins New Serie A Season with Focus on Title Defense and New Talents


After their historic Serie A triumph, Inter Milan is gearing up for a new season as they face Genoa in the opening match. Simone Inzaghi, the team’s coach, emphasized the importance of focus during a recent interview with Sky. “I expect great concentration,” he stated, noting that defending champions often encounter difficulties. “We are discussing this with the players; we need to be extremely focused on our goals.”

Inzaghi also welcomed new signings to the squad, highlighting their potential contributions. “Zielinski is an extraordinarily skilled player who will definitely help us,” he explained. He praised Taremi for his international experience and goal-scoring record, mentioning how well he has adapted to the team. The coach expressed enthusiasm for Martinez, the new goalkeeper, who he said is eager to learn.

Despite the recent additions, Inzaghi indicated that the club is still seeking another player. “The transfer market is open until the end of the month,” he hinted. “We know there’s a gap in our defensive line due to Buchanan’s injury, and we are in talks with the club about this. We’ll see if we can add another player before the window closes.”

Hakan Calhanoglu, a crucial player from last season, also shared his thoughts with Sky, addressing summer transfer rumors that linked him to Bayern Munich. “Those who know me understand I’m not one to talk much, but I never thought about leaving,” the Turkish midfielder assured. “I’ve always been certain I would stay at Inter. I prefer to focus on my work, and I only said things at the end to calm everyone down.”

Calhanoglu also sent a message to the voters of the upcoming Ballon d’Or, expressing his hope for Lautaro Martínez to win the award. “He is our captain, knows how to lead his teammates, and is always capable of doing something special. Plus, he scores, which is the most important thing.”

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