Home Serie A “Inter Milan Ownership Transfer Officially Confirmed by Oaktree”

“Inter Milan Ownership Transfer Officially Confirmed by Oaktree”


After Oaktree’s announcement, Inter Milan also confirmed the transfer of ownership from Steven Zhang to the American fund, which now holds indirectly 99.6% of the club’s capital. The club made the announcement late at night, detailing the operations in a press release. This transfer occurred through a series of transactions outlined in the statement released by the club.

On May 22, 2024, F.C. Internazionale Milano S.p.A. received communication from their shareholder Grand Tower S. à r.l., which holds a 68.55% stake in Inter. This communication included the transfer of shares to Oaktree Capital Management, resulting in Oaktree gaining indirect control of 99.6% of Inter. The ownership of Inter has now shifted, with Oaktree acquiring a significant stake in the club.

The ownership transfer does not impact Inter’s financial obligations, including the issuance of €415,000,000 Senior Secured Notes due in 2027 by Inter Media and Communication S.p.A. There have been no default triggers or negative impacts on the club’s financial standing due to this change in ownership. Inter fans and stakeholders await further developments as Oaktree assumes a significant indirect control over the club.

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